
After Easter, Now What ?

I pray that this Easter season was a great one for you and your church. As many other pastors and leaders, I know have experienced growth this season…

I have served on the Executive Teams now for several years, and I have been blessed to serve alongside some talented and gifted leaders under great leadership.

Ministry Trends Part 2

In the first part of this Ministry Trends series, I discussed the importance of watching and identifying trends in giving and generosity. 

Here, I want to look at the trend of guests visiting your church and how their engagement can be key. 

What Trends Are You Tracking?

The key to financial success for churches and places of worship is understanding trends. A trend tracks how a situation, people, or organizations develop and/or behave.

3 Ways to Expand Your Ministry Through Community Outreach

Community outreach programs are an essential part of the ministry of every church. And as we continue to emerge…

3 Powerful Prayers For Churches

A few years ago, I wrote the article “3 Prayers For Every Pastor and Leader,” which is still needed today.

We must consistently support and encourage our pastors and faith leaders. However, as a church

Looking to Change the Game? Change your Perspective?

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Pastor Tommy Kyllonen, also known as “Urban D,” for my Ministry Pivot podcast. He recently published the book “Frames: Your Frames Can Change the Game.”

3 Thoughts on Honoring Pastors

October has a special designation in the life of the church. It’s the time to for celebrating and honoring pastors during Clergy Appreciation Month…

How Your Church Can Elevate Its Worship Online

How we worship has been fundamentally transformed. Hybrid worship, meaning online and in person, now provides congregants with greater access to and choices of places of worship.

Church Health and Data

As many churches begin to move full steam ahead on worshiping in-person – while not forgetting about those worshiping online – the focus is now on being phygital…

3 Myths About Digital Giving

… some pastors and faith leaders didn’t see the importance of providing digital ways for their congregations to give…

3 Ways to Help Your Pastor Rest (This Summer & Beyond)

I recently had an eye-opening discussion with two faith leaders on the importance of rest and sabbatical for pastors.  We discussed church and leader burnout, the financial struggles of taking time off


Why Momentum in Ministry is Important

For churches, every Sunday is important. Yet there are still a few Sundays that stand out for two reasons

How To Plan For Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is always a highlight at most churches. It is one of those standout events during the year because so many families are in attendance and the worship service is always extra special.  

Making Passion a Priority

Have you heard of the “Great Resignation?” According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 47 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs in 2021. This unprecedented mass exit from the workforce is suspected of being spurred on by COVID-19.

3 Ways to Engage Millennials

Pastors and church leaders all know that engaging the congregation is essential. The more active the congregation is, the more impactful the ministry will be within the church and the community.

Honoring Our History

As we enter this new year, we need to celebrate what God has done. And there is no better time to begin than Black History Month.

There are several ways to celebrate and honor our heroes of the faith and our culture. Here are a few ideas for ways to celebrate and inspire during this season…

5 Pivots For The New Year

As we begin this new year, the word “pivot” has always stuck out but even more recently. No matter who you are or where you live, we made pivots last year. Pivots to help us grow and for some of us to keep us going.

What We Can Learn From Apple

Many people love Apple, and while others don’t, whatever the case, you have to give them credit for how they do what they do. Here are a few lessons I think we can learn from Apple.

3 Reasons Why Church Guests & Visitors Are Key

I recently visited a local coffee shop because local still matters. As I was completing my order, the staff person asked me for my rewards number. I didn’t have one, but…

Where have we grown?

As we enter into this next season, watching and experiencing the impact of Covid-19 on our lives and the life of the Church, I can’t help but ask the question, have we grown?

Strategy and Ministry

I recently spoke with a few Pastor friends of mine about in-person worship and strategies for going back to in-person worship.  We talked about several different aspects of the Church …

4 Things Every Youth Ministry Should Do

When it comes to youth ministry, there is a never-ending wealth of ideas and thoughts. Regardless to how large or small your youth ministry is

Team Building Components

As I shared in part one of this series, building a team allows you to do more while doing less. It also allows you to get others involved and use their gifts that would otherwise sit idle.

Less Is More

No matter where you go or who you are, people want items quicker and more consistently. I think back to a recent flight, where I was traveling across a few states. No matter what line I was in, people wanted to get to the front

Four Thoughts On Hybrid Church

Recently, Barna Research released some data on the Black Church, and one of the articles spoke about the use of hybrid church and ministry in the future.

3 Prayer For Every Pastor and Leader

There are so many moving pieces and difficult decisions to make. But here are some prayers for pastors and leaders

Digital Discipleship Opportunity

Recently, Barna Research released a study about “Five Changing Contexts for Digital Evangelism.” There are several critical points in this study that we might discuss in other articles to come

Two Thoughts On Giving

During the last year everyone was impacted in their giving, however we have learned a few things…

3 Reasons Local Ministry Matters

I recently spoke with some friends in ministry about how the pandemic has impacted the church for life.

The Value of Positive Peer Pressure

I know many of us have heard and used the term peer pressure. Others and I have often used it on the negative side, saying that it was important for us not to fall to peer pressure.

Planning for Pastoral Health and Succession

Keys for preventing burnout and planning for succession

The One Thing Leaders Must Do

Have you ever been to a circus or show where they had a juggler perform? I remember the first time I saw a juggler in person and not on TV. They didn’t just juggle balls in the air; they juggled everything from shoes to glasses and even sharp objects.

How to Support Millennials During the Pandemic

This season of COVID-19 has been a struggle for most of us, not being able to gather the way we want…

Prepare For a Return to Your In-Person Worship Experience

As we prepare to go back in-person worship services, we must be mindful that our worship experiences have changed.

Preparing Your Team For In-Person Worship

Not only do churches need to prepare our buildings for in-person worship as we covered in the previous article in this series, we also need to prepare and train those who will be serving with us in the building.

How to Combat Loneliness During COVID-19

Though we’re all “connected,” we can still feel disconnected during this season.

Preparing Your Church Building For In-Person Worship

As the world and our country slowly begin to speak about opening up, some churches in some regions are already holding in-person worship experiences. Others are starting to plan for a return to in-person worship.

Apps, Tools and Systems to Use Weekly.

Like many of you, I have been using the computer more and more since we have been online entirely since March 2020.

Why Your Church’s Chat Box Is Essential

As a result of worship being online for many churches and even those churches across the nation that can meet in person, it isn’t the same as before COVID-19.

3 Tools to Encourage Bible Engagement During COVID-19


Bible reading is down during the pandemic. Here are ways to encourage it. Thanks to my friend, Rev. Dr. Nicole Martin, at the American Bible Society (ABS), I received this data on Bible Engagement during COVID-19.

Why did I cry? Tears of Hope and Expectation

Last weekend I had an experience I wasn’t expecting. During the announcement that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election, I began to cry…

Pivoting Your Outreach

While this season has been difficult for several churches, it has also been even more difficult for some people in the community. Nowhere else is this seen more to me than by the number of churches and organizations that have partnered to serve food and supplies to those in need.

How Should We Pivot Our Communication ?

As the church, we communicate with several different groups at a time, but how do you pivot your communication in this season?

Pivot Your Church Calendar Planning

For many churches, planning for the year is a big deal and requires a lot of time plus energy. If you or your church haven’t taken the needed time…

Pivoting Your Church Budget
As we continue in this Ministry Pivots Series during this season of COVID-19, we have to look at how our ministry budgets need to pivot
Pivot the Way You Connect With Your People

Prior to COVID-19, we could connect with those in our congregation and communities almost whenever we..

Ministry Pivot: Worship Experience

As this season of COVID-19 has extended, most states here in the U.S. are doing some level of

Two Areas of Need This Season Has Brought to Our Attention

As our nation and world have been impacted the last few weeks by the COVID-19 virus, it has been a time..

How to Keep Your Youth Ministry Vibrant Through the Quarantine
As we all deal with COVID-19 and how we serve our congregations and communities
Check Your Pace and Pulse
I have recently started to push myself in working out more consistently by running several miles per week. I normally run around